Event Branding
Bobamama, "mama approve healthy boba"
Event Branding
Bobamama, "mama approve healthy boba"
Event Branding
Bobamama, "mama approve healthy boba"
In this assignment, we were given the opportunity produce a new brand for an event from scratch. It is definitely one of the projects that has changes my perception towards graphic design. It made me understand that graphic designer holds a more important role which is to solve problems through creative solutions rather than solely making designs look pretty.
In this assignment, we were given the opportunity produce a new brand for an event from scratch. It is definitely one of the projects that has changes my perception towards graphic design. It made me understand that graphic designer holds a more important role which is to solve problems through creative solutions rather than solely making designs look pretty.
In this assignment, we were given the opportunity produce a new brand for an event from scratch. It is definitely one of the projects that has changes my perception towards graphic design. It made me understand that graphic designer holds a more important role which is to solve problems through creative solutions rather than solely making designs look pretty.
Visual Culture and Technology:
Eggshell mosaic artwork in black and white box
The Problem:
Body image issue frequently experienced by adolescents females. The findings conducted in Major Research Project have also indicated that they are experiencing a higher level of body dissatisfaction and placed a greater emphasis on physical attractiveness when finding a romantic partner.
The Solution:
Therefore, it is important to educate them that the true beauty of love arises when you can be who you are and not what the males want you to be.
Why is it in a box?
Adolescent girls are often clouded by the noise of the society; be it male, peer, or family's expectation. They are always cultivated that either a girl with long legs, skinny and faired skin is only deemed as beautiful. They have also always been told beauty standards are like boxes and there's only fruitful number of options they can choose to be beautiful.
Hence, this box aims to convey the message to them that their beauty does not define by the box.
Rationale of each surface of the box

Shows a tangled string where it is connected to the other surfaces of the box.
Portrays the idea that adolescent females are often clouded by the noise of the society. They felt inferior and pressure as they feel the constant judgement and gaze they receive.
This put themselves in a “box” as they feel like no one understands them. This results in their low self-confidence. Hence, they try to change their physical appearance in order to meet their ideal sizes.
Feeling lost and confused of their identity because they emphasize only on the way that they are perceived and the ideal that they want to be.
Why use eggshells?
Leonard Cohen once said, "there's crack in everything, that's where the lights get in". The crack resembles our physical infirmities, isolation, and our limits in connecting ourselves with each other.
The idea is that everything is flawed; Yet there is also hope despite the flaws in us and it is through the cracks where the light comes from the other side.

Rationale behind this image
The true beauty of love arises when you can be who you are. We would always try to show the best side us in front of people that we love thinking that they will love us more. However, the most comfortable feeling of love is when you do not need to pretend to be someone else but truly be yourself just like the image above.
It shows how comfortable she fall asleep on her partner's shoulder and how her partner look at her despite her flaws. Also, when look in the whole perspective, it shows a series circuit as well as connecting the image of the couple together. This is intended to portray that true beauty of love is that both are always there to recharge each other so they can find the power to keep growing together.