The little voice in my head...
it's not going away...
“I'm so big"
"They won't like people like me"
Do you listen to that and find yourself stuck in a never-ending negative thinking loop. It makes you put all your worth into whether other individuals find you attractive even when they are a total stranger!
"Stop trying"
“I’m not good enough”
When you repetitively say the same thing, you will start to believe that it's true. And this will have a massive influence on your emotional life.
How to silent the voice?
It all starts with the tiniest word of adjustment!
The statement, “I can’t" and "I’m not” is a pattern of behavior that might hold you back. If you want to silent the voice, you must first set the right intention and mindset!
Reframe your words to I can and I am. When you begin to use the word, “I am”, you start to claim it as your new thinking pattern because it addressed the way you view yourself.
Practicing affirmations!
Reframing your words through affirmations. Affirmations are short, powerful statements that encourage positive thinking and confidence. Affirmations cards can help to enhance a loving relationship with yourself.
These cards can reprogram your mindset by altering your negative thinking patterns and what your brain concentrates on whenever you read the affirmations on the cards.