Event Branding
Bobamama, "mama approve healthy boba"
Event Branding
Bobamama, "mama approve healthy boba"
Event Branding
Bobamama, "mama approve healthy boba"
In this assignment, we were given the opportunity produce a new brand for an event from scratch. It is definitely one of the projects that has changes my perception towards graphic design. It made me understand that graphic designer holds a more important role which is to solve problems through creative solutions rather than solely making designs look pretty.
In this assignment, we were given the opportunity produce a new brand for an event from scratch. It is definitely one of the projects that has changes my perception towards graphic design. It made me understand that graphic designer holds a more important role which is to solve problems through creative solutions rather than solely making designs look pretty.
In this assignment, we were given the opportunity produce a new brand for an event from scratch. It is definitely one of the projects that has changes my perception towards graphic design. It made me understand that graphic designer holds a more important role which is to solve problems through creative solutions rather than solely making designs look pretty.

The Process
Event Branding
bobamama "mama approved healthy boba"
bobamama is a production of a new brand from scratch for an event. It is one of the projects that have changed my perception of graphic design. It made me understand that graphic designer holds an important role which is to solve problems through creative solutions rather than solely making impressive designs.
The Problem:
Bubble tea (Boba tea) is becoming an issue lately among teenagers because it contains excessive sugar content. Therefore, it induces a high risk of diabetes, obesity, and also cancer if it is consumed regularly.
The Mission:
Hence, bobamama is here to offer a solution that allows the consumers to enjoy their favorite bubble tea without worrying about the amount of sugar level in the drink. bobamama is here to teach the consumers how to make their own boba tea.
The Execution:
A new brand identity was formed upon careful considerations on the target audience. A recipe book with colorful illustrations and guides was also created. Marketing collaterals including brochures, posters, and flyers were produced to display the information of the event.
The Outcome:
Consumers will be more aware of the impact of drinking boba tea that may induce various health problems and weight gain. Not only that but, they will also obtain the opportunity to make their own boba tea and at the same time save their money. bobamama visions that consumers can build a healthier lifestyle while enjoying their favorite boba tea at home.

Logo Selection:
bobamama is chosen as the name of the event to deliver the message that our "mother" also known as "mama" will always provide unconditional love to her child. Thus, this event is intended to show the consumer that bobamama will always wish the best for them and provide solutions to their problem. The chosen logo is a hand with an "ok" sign to express that the solution offered by this event is also approved by mama.
Final Logo Selection:
Because the average age of a mother would be around age 30, thus it is essential to consider the characteristics of a mother so that the consumers are able to connect on a deeper level. After researching, there are a few aspects to be considered:
1. They normally wear a ring on their ring finger
2. Their fingers would be slightly plus-sized since they perform house chores
3. They have short fingernails
Creating visual elements
To make the events more interesting, a few "typical" mama hand sign that they would normally say to the child is implemented.
For instance, "mama says no", or "mama says this" etc.

The Visuals

Primary colors
The color combination aims to invoke a feeling of playfulness and springtime. Overall, it assists to lighten the mood, creating balanced schemes that make people feel both lighthearted and chic.

Secondary colors
This color is chosen to complement the primary colors. It is also the color to represent the color of boba (pearls).
Final Outcome for bobamama Event Branding